In 1993, he formed Serba Dinamik and assumed the position as the Group Chief Executive Officer. Later he was appointed as the Coordinator for the Ammonia and Rotary 5th turnaround Preparation Team (1990) and as a Rotating Equipment Area Engineer (1991). The first step is by sharing its success story as Muhamad Abdul Karim did during the dinner talk organized by the Ikatan Graduan Melayu Sarawak (IGMS).Dato' Karim's illustrious engineering career spanning 31 years started with Asean Bintulu Fertilizer Sdn Bhd (1988) as a Mechanical Engineer. It prides itself as a dynamic and diversified international group with a focus-oriented approach, offering integrated engineering, contracting and maintenance services system integrator/packager service to our clients worldwide.Ĭertainly, this company from Bintulu, Sarawak is truly a global company that Sarawkians are proud of and to be emulated. Now the vision of Serba Dinamik Holding Berhad is ” To excel globally as a recognized Total Technical Engineering and Commercial Services Provider”. Mohd Abdul Karim bin Abdullah (Non-Independent Executive Director), Dato’ Awang Daud bin Awang Putera (Non-Independent Executive Director), Tuan Haji Abdul Kadier bin Sahib (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director), Sharifah Irina Binti Syed Ahmad Radzi (Independent Non-Executive Director), Tengku Dato’ Seri Hasmuddin Bin Tengku Othman (Independept Non-Executive Director) and Hasman Yusri Bin Yusoff (Independent Non-Executive Director) as listed in its web-site. The Board of Directors are Dato’ Mohamed Nor bin Abu Bakar (Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director) Dato’ Dr.

Its business has expanded to USA, Africa and Middle East thus Serab Dinamik has achieved its vision to be a global company. and since then Serba Dinamik share has jumped to RM 3.35. It debuted on the Bursa Malaysia Main Market on 8 February 2017 at RM1.50 public offering. was converted to a public limited company. Twenty-three years later in 2016, now known as Serba Dinamik Holding Sdn. Its business at that time was as a provider of MRO services for rotating equipment and its very first client was a fertilizer plant in Bintulu. Serba Dinamik has a humble beginning in 1993 in Bintulu, Sarawak. Mohd Abdul Karim said it was during times like these that how vital that an entrepreneur must have perseverance so that the commitment to the vision would never waver.

Then people told him that how could you have the vision of becoming a global company when he did not have enough to pay his workers. A long the way, he told the enthralled audience that once his workers organized a strike when the company did not have enough money to pay their salaries. After completing his study at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in the early 1980s in chemical engineering, he first worked at MLNG in Bintulu but later quitted to start his own company, Serba Dinamik. The lucrative oil industry in Miri, the town where he was born might have rubbed onto Muhamad Abdul Karim. The town was blessed with off-shores oil and gas that might be linked to the oilfields in Miri, the first oil town in Sarawak and Malaysia since 1910. He shared some milestones with the audience experienced by a small company in a small town of Bintulu, Sarawak. The two factors would withstand severe challenges and the many problems that would just popp up along the long journey to success. Mohd Abdul Karim emphasized that entrepreneurs must have a clear vision and perseverance to pursue the endeavour. Also in attendance was YB Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Minister in the Chief Minister Office in charge of Ombudsman and Integrity of Sarawak, Datuk Abdillah Abdul Rahim, CEO of SATT College and Domani Hotel and Datuk Bujang Tun Zaidi, the CEO of Mega Motors Sdn Bhd.įrom left to righti: Dato Bujang,Datuk Abdillah, YB Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Dato Seri Fadillah, Datu Dr. Dato’ Seri Fadillah Yusof who was recently the Minster of Works before the parliament was dissolved last month and in the midst of campaign in the GE14, officiated the occassion. The talk was part of the program of the association in conjunction of its 24th anniversary celebration this year. Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, the Chief Executive Officer of the company. About 200 Malay graduates attended the talk by Dato’ Dr. KUCHING (SNN) – Serba Dinamik, the new global company from Sarawak, shared its success story during a dinner talk organized by the Sarawak Malay Graduates Association last night at a leading hotel in Kuching.